Gardening is something I started doing while I was unwell. It got me outside and I felt like I was doing something. But I was able to do it sitting down, take breaks wherever I needed to and even get my partner to lift things that were heavy (or not!) when I wasn't able to.
There was also so much joy in watching things that I'd planted sprouting up (there are some cool metaphors for recovery here).
I remember eating peas that I had planted, watered and harvested. And then they were on my own plate and I was using them to nourish my own body! It felt like such an accomplishment, especially when ill.
I never would have seen myself as enjoying gardening. But I do. I do more other things now I'm able to, but I still enjoy my garden as it was a real healing spot for me.
Yesterday I took a trip to our local garden centre, because I have some more complicated ideas for the garden (my partner is currently rolling his eyes)
I ended up having a lot of fun - especially with this lion
I think during my long covid recovery, I was assuming that life would be easy and obvious once I had recovered. I'm beginning to learn that actually, recovery is just the beginning!